Frequently asked questions

What is Findums?
Findums is a social platform that allows you to share your favorite products and brands with your friends and followers. You can create collections of products, follow other users, and discover new brands.
How do I get started?
To get started, simply sign up for an account. Once you've signed up, you can start creating collections, following other users, and sharing your favorite products.
Is Findums free to use?
Yes, Findums is completely free to use. You can sign up for an account, create collections, and follow other users at no cost.
How do I add products to a my page?
To add a product to your page, click on the 'Add New Link' button on your profile page.
How do I follow other users?
To follow another user, click on the 'Follow' button on their profile page. You'll then see their collections and updates in your feed.
How do I share a collection?
To share a collection, click on the 'Share' button on the collection page. You can share the collection on social media or copy the link to share it with friends.
How do I discover new brands?
To discover new brands, click on the Partner Brands in the footer. You'll see a list of popular brands that you can explore and follow.
How do I contact customer support?
To contact customer support, click on the 'Contact Us' link in the footer of the page. You can then fill out the contact form with your question or issue, and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.