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Chocolate Protein

Chocolate Protein


As a certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist, I have tried countless protein supplements, but the problem with so many mainstream products is they are loaded with fillers and have artificial ingredients that left me feeling bloated and uncomfortable. I could tell it didn’t sit well with my body.   I wanted a clean option that didn’t include artificial sweeteners, flavors, or preservatives. I wanted something I could feel good about feeding my kids. That's why I created The BodyByBree Protein! * Made with organic whey protein isolate from grass fed cows and it is cold pressed to optimize nutrient absorption and digestion. * Sweetened with monk (luo-han) fruit and 100% organic stevia.  * Formulated with low lactose and digestive enzyme components that helps the body break down the protein to prevent bloating. * Boosted with probiotic to help produce healthy gut bacteria. * Includes essential BCAAs that aid the body with post workout muscle repair.  * No artificial sweeteners, flavors, preservatives and is dye free. Trust me when I say you can enjoy high quality protein made with organic ingredients and you will feel and taste the difference.  *This product is safe to use while pregnant or nursing, but always consult your doctor if you are concerned.