Staying healthy is on the forefront of everyone’s minds, especially right now! There are many social health factors that are out of our control, however there are a few things you CAN control and that is what YOU allow into your body. The BodyByBree Greens aid the body by: * Boosting the body’s natural immune system * Absorbing and cleansing residual toxins along the intestinal wall * Improving the digestive system Helping lower the inflammation responders * Balancing pH * Managing weight One of my secrets to feeling energized everyday is my daily dose of the BodyByBree Greens. Made from pure organic ingredients, in one serving of my Greens you are supporting your body with clean energy from plants that have healthy antioxidant properties. Packed with vitamins and minerals to support essential functions of the body, start filling in your nutritional gaps with the BodyByBree Greens today! This product is safe to use while pregnant or nursing, but always consult your doctor if you are concerned.