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How to Design Better UI Components 3.0 - Become a Design Pro!

How to Design Better UI Components 3.0 - Become a Design Pro!

Version 3.0 is out now!🚨 $39 $9 USD (secure the lowest price with lifetime updates)This ebook will teach you how to design better web and mobile interfaces by following best practices and visual guidelines.Learn more about the book ->What will you find inside:Guides on how to design better:Figma SetupLayouts, Grids, Box ModelColorsGradientsShadowsUI/UX Terms and UI ElementsButtonsFormsPricing CardsDropdownsNavigationSearchModalsHero sectionsUI CardsStyle GuidesGood vs Bad UIPracticing UI3.0 release contains 5 chapters and 196 pages• The book comes in digital PDF format only. Note: the tips and guides included in this eBook were researched prior to the publication, and are based on the industry standards, as well as my academic, and practical knowledge gathered throughout years of designing websites and applications for private clients, start-ups, and corporations.Check out my Mobile Design ebook here ->Check out my Web Design ebook here ->Enjoy!